Mindful Practices for Calmer Adults and Calmer Children
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Date & Time
November 18, 6:30-8:30PM
Course Length
2 hours
Delivery Method
Online Instructor-Led for Minnesota Providers
Course Summary
Examine and learn practical foundations of mindfulness for use in common situations with kids. Practice simple mindfulness practices to bring presence and emotional regulation to the children you care for and work with every day. Investigate the nature of empathy and compassion–both for yourself and children to give our kids their best shot in the real world.
For any questions or support needs, please contact: pdsupport@thinksmall.org, Phone: 651-641-3549
CEU Credits
Not Eligible
CDA Competency Area
- Content Area VI: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism
MN KCF Content Area
- VI: Professionalism
State Approval
- MN